Easy like Sunday...

19:35 Unknown 0 Comments

I love Sundays. They just seem so much calmer than the rest of the week.

Saturdays are for shopping and running errands, where as Sundays are for pyjama days, long breakfasts, lie ins (before kids that is) reading Sunday papers (even if I don't get chance to read them until Sunday evening!), baking, roast dinners and lots of lovely quality family time.

Today was a good example of how I like my Sundays to be:

Lazy pyjama morning

A lovely run - just me and some tunes

A lovely afternoon walk through the autumn leaves - just the five of us!

A gorgeous roast at our local.

Bath time giggles.

Kids all snuggled up in bed.

Quality time with the hubby, eating one of these beauties and waiting for X factor!

I love Sundays!

J x