Black Friday malarky!

15:09 Unknown 0 Comments

Apparently today is 'Black Friday'. And yes it is... in AMERICA!

I just don't understand why it is suddenly a thing here in the UK. Everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon and my twitter feed was full of Black Friday deals this morning. I remember when sale times were limited to January and July. Now every week there is some offer, sale or discount. It just seems to dilute the excitement.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love to get money off and I was extremely chuffed when I went to purchase the parka I'd been lusting after, to find it had 30% off. That sort of thing never normally happens to me and it was great!! However, I just can't get excited about Black Friday. It all seems too much. Retailers are clearly struggling and it just feels to me like desperation.

Some of my favourite brands have succumbed to the Black Friday bug, and I'm a little disappointed by their lack of imagination. On the flip side some brands have really used it to their advantage. I was particularly impressed with Aldi, who posted the image below on Twitter. They stuck to their brand values of every day low prices and actually used them to their advantage - very impressive.

Come on retailers, surely you can think of a more imaginative way to encourage customers to buy from you?

J x (feeling so much better for getting that off my chest!)