Arla Big Milk - what we thought
I'd recently heard about Arla Big Milk and was delighted to receive some vouchers to give it a try.Arla Big Milk is whole cows’ milk, which has been enriched with the key vitamins and minerals that the Department of Health suggest are given daily to children aged from one to five - Vitamin A, D and iron.
In the past I have bought vitamin supplements on the suggestion of our health visitor. However, I often forgot to give them to the kids and it ended up being just another thing to think about. I'm pretty certain that the bottle is probably hidden away at the back of one of our kitchen cabinets!
I was therefore impressed when I heard about Arla Big Milk. The twins absolutely love milk, so it would be a really easy way to get those extra vitamins in them, without me really having to think about it. When I gave it to them, there were no complaints and it went down as well as usual. Oscar, on the other hand, isn't much of a milk drinker. However, the design on the Big Milk bottle meant that he was very keen to try it. He actually gulped it down and he seemed to enjoy it - bonus!
It doesn't really taste any different from normal milk, so getting the kids to have it wasn't a problem at all. If your little one isn't much of a milk fan, the child-friendly design on the bottle might encourage them to drink it.
I think it's a great way to get those essential vitamins without the stress of having to ensure they have their supplements everyday! The only thing I would say is that at £2.25 it is quite expensive and with having three children, including twins who drink a lot of milk, the cost difference would be quite noticeable to us. If you only have one or two children who drink a normal amount of milk, and you also buy supplements, the cost probably wouldn't be much different and the convenience of it would make it worth any extra it did cost.
Overall a big thumbs up!
J xx
We were sent vouchers for Big Milk is return for an honest review.