Capturing our moments - Jan

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We've just been away for a lovely week in a cottage in Norfolk, so it's been very quiet on here!

I'm so late with this, but as the point of it is to capture our memories I still wanted to post.

I'm not really a huge January fan. It's cold, dark and we're often watching the pennies following Christmas. This year was no exception. We were also jet lagged as we returned from Florida at the beginning of the month. My mum was also poorly for almost 3 weeks. It was all pretty scary, she's better now, so doctors think it was just a bug, but we're waiting for blood test results to come back.

It wasn't all doom and gloom though Oscar turned 6 and we had a great party at Pizza Express.

The fact that we needed to cut back a little meant we had to be creative at coming up with activities to keep the children amused. Making pizzas was one of the favourites!

Marathon training has begun and that also means healthy eating. I put 10lbs on over the festive season so healthy eating and minimal booze was definitely required!

To help me keep track of my training and also be more organised in general, I've been trying to get more organised and have been using some fab products from Busy B stationery. You can read the post I wrote for their blog here.

Henry had his first hair cut at the barbers, which he really loved (thankfully)! Simon's Sister normally cuts it but we couldn't seem to arrange a suitable time and Henry's hair was getting a little crazy! 

We also, with the help of, finally finished our bedroom makeover, which you can read about here!

So, although it wasn't all rubbish, I was definitely pleased to see the end of Jan!

J x