My first blogging conference #ImDoingBlogcamp
Tomorrow I'm going to be attending my first blogging conference. I'm attending Blogcamp, organised by Tots 100.It's a free event (hurrah) and is taking place in Birmingham, which is only about an hour away from me. I was really excited when I managed to get a ticket as these events normally sell out super quick.
I'm excited about the day, but also a little anxious. It's my first event of this type, and I know that there will be quite a few 'proper bloggers' there and I'm paranoid that everyone will know each other! Also, with my recent marathon training my blogging has taken a bit of a back seat. I haven't been posting much, haven't been linking up to other bloggers' linkies and haven't been reading or commenting on blogs as much as I used to, so I feel a little out of touch.
However, I am hoping that the day will provide lots of inspiration and help me get going again. I'm also looking forward to properly meeting some of the other bloggers that I've chatted to on Twitter and whose blogs I read. Although, I think it will be slightly weird though as I feel like I actually know these people, when I've never even met them before!
So, I've bought a new notebook, painted my nails, ironed my clothes, checked my train times and packed my bag. I think I'm ready!
Wish me luck, or if you're also attending please come say "hello"!
J xx